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Turf Care & Integrated Pest Management Back to Services

Turf Care & Integrated Pest Management

Turf Care & Integrated Pest Management

We package our services and products under a well managed process to make sure that we perform in a manner that is good for the environment as well.

Turf Care Services:

  • Fertilization and weed Control
  • Aeration and overseeding
  • Lime application
  • Grub control

Integrated Pest & Disease Management Services:

  • Tree and shrub fertilization
  • Trunk & soil injections
  • Insect / disease diagnosis & treatment
  • Customized maintenance program


Erosion & Sediment Control
Erosion & Sediment Control

Reference photo gallery of services performed by our actual C&C crews and equipment.   Erosion & Sediment Control Typically,.

Snow and Ice Management
Snow and Ice Management

Reference photo gallery of services performed by our actual C&C crews and equipment. Snow and Ice Management Here at.

Landscape Enhancement
Landscape Enhancement

Reference photo gallery of services performed by our actual C&C crews and equipment. Landscape Enhancement Design Seasonal color Tree.

Call Us

301 252 4534

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C&C Custom Lawncare, Inc

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